My name is Edgar Rikkert, I am 20 years old, and I was born in the Netherlands. My hobbies include gaming, cycling, going out with friends, and listening to music. When I grew up and could eventually play on my Nintendo DS, I played a lot of Lego games and Super Mario Bros. I loved having the freedom of being able to mix different characters in these Lego games to create my own. Super Mario made me very interested in challenging the player in a new environment. I think that was a big inspiration to study game development because I want to know how to make my own characters and challenging levels.
I am currently in my third year of the Software Developer program at the Media College in Amsterdam. During this program, we have worked on various projects using Unity and the unreal engine. Here, I have been involved in creating various components and interactions for all kinds of games.
as of this moment i am looking for a internship at different locations in the vicinity of Amsterdam that are either working with c++ and blueprints inside the unreal engine or developing websites.